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Rant #1 - Regarding Katchan's Choice to Remove her Fanfics
by Pisces6 [posted in update message for July 16, 2000]

*goes into a mini-rant mode* People were starting to bug her to keep writing fanfiction. Now, encouragement and compliments are fine. But what really steamed me was the fact that SOME people thought it would be okay to say that the author COULDN'T do what she wanted with the characters. To be exact, some people e-mailed her saying that she shouldn't have made this character gay, and that character shouldn't act like this, and so on.

Now, for poorly written fanfiction, I suppose it could be okay; the author would need some help. BUT, and I do mean BUT, Katchan's writing is quite good. People obviously were having trouble with how the characters were being portrayed, not how it was written. AND I am appalled by the fact that some people were inconsiderate enough to think that it's Katchan's duty to finish her fanfic, Saiyajin. It's HER choice whether if she want's to finish it or not. Fanfic writers DO have a life to live. We can't ALWAYS write fanfiction.

And WHERE did people get the _nerve_ to ask her to write fanfiction about their favorite characters?!! Can't people see that she's already busy enough as it is?!! If they want to read more fanfics about their favorite characters, go LOOK for it! Or better yet, write it yourself. That's right, if you don't like the story or plot of a fanfic, write your OWN little fanfic. Writing fanfiction is supposed to be for entertainment; for FUN. Get it? FUN. It's not supposed to be a job or chore, which, unfortunately, was exactly what writing was becoming to Katchan.

I'm am seriously PISSED at people like that. Katchan is a wonderful writer; it was HER fanfiction that really HOOKED me onto Dragonball. Thanks to her, I've learned all about another world of anime other than Sailormoon, which I was originally hooked on. Dragonball is currently tied with Sailormoon as one of my favorite anime of all time. And at the rate it's going, it's not going to drop down anytime soon.

I feel positively angry over the fact that it was some group of inconsiderate people who made Katchan feel that she HAD to take her fanfiction off. I tell you, it's people like that who kill hope and inspiration; it makes whatever you love into something you'd hate to touch. As for Katchan, whatever happens, I wish her luck in all that she strives to accomplish. Thank you ever so much, Katchan for making me see that there ARE other good anime out there other than just Sailormoon.

Copyright © 2000 Pisces6.

Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon and all associated characters were created by Takeuchi Naoko. Sailormoon is copyrighted by Takeuchi Naoko, TOEI Animation, DIC Corporation, Kodansha, Bandai, and other companies.

Likewise, Dragonball and all associated characters were created by Toriyama Akira and copyrighted by him, TOEI Animation, Bird Studio/Shueisha, Shonen Jump, Viz Communications, Columbia Records (Japan), Pioneer Entertainment, and FUNimation Productions *for the English version of DBZ*. There are probably some other companies that have copyrighted Dragonball too, but I do not know them or remember them. Sorry.

Opinions expressed here are of my own.

With that aside, I put a lot of effort into these editorials. I will NOT be happy if someone decided to write an editorial using _MY_ ideas. (In other words, I don't take plagiarism very well.) I spent some time debating over what topics I should discuss and so forth. I'd rather not have these editorials posted anywhere else other than my page and pages I, myself, have submitted them to. Please do NOT post them on your site. If you are absolutely DESPERATE to post my editorials while crediting their creation to me, please e-mail me, so we may discuss this issue. Also include a link to your site, so I may see where and how you plan display my intellectual property.